


品牌色在QQ品牌视觉传达中起到了核心作用。上图所示为QQ品牌规范颜色色板示意,这些颜色可以运用在任何品牌有关衍生物料中。QQ的每一个品牌色都有着精准匹配合适的Pantone色彩。关于平面/广告印刷物,一般情况下须使用对应的Pantone色值(单色);若因条件限制无法使用Pantone色彩,选取对应的CMYK色值做为第二选择。关于界面、网页、PowerPoint演示文稿等显示器颜色,须使用RGB色值或十六进制值。本规范中提及的品牌色会因不同屏幕和印刷机而产生色差,使用时应尽可能以Pantone色卡做为QQ品牌色的最终参考对象。(*Pantone属Pantone公司所有 。)

Color plays a central role in communicating QQ brand. Always use the color palette represented and apply them to any communication materials. QQ colors should always match an appropriate Pantone color. Whenever possible, reproduce QQ in Pantone (Single color) for print work. If this is not possible, use the CMYK values listed for print communication pieces or advertising pieces. For screen based work, websites, PowerPoint presentations, etc., use RGB and HEX values. The colors shown throughout these guidelines will vary on different screens and printers, and may not display as accurate color matches. Always refer to Pantone color swatches for color matching whenever possible. (*Pantone® is the property of Pantone, Inc. )